Trusting God

Weekly Sabbath Survey
Trusting God —  12-16-2017


Most adults in America have had some experience in the work force. (Stay At Home moms are hard to find!) Many folks who aren’t retired are working. A lot of the time jobs are stressful for one reason or another. It helps at work to see your coworkers as your friends. Even if they go away when one of you leaves the job, it doesn’t mean they weren’t friends when you were working together. That emotional support and human connection helps get us through life. You feel good in that environment and “they” say it even lowers your blood pressure. If the boss is actually a work friend, that’s an extra blessing.
I had one boss I came to consider my friend. We had some Del Rio connections, even though he was quite a bit younger than I was. His parents were teachers when I was in High School. I liked his Dad, my history teacher. I asked him one day,  “Why is it you never thank me for all I do around here?”  He shot back, “I thank you twice a month on the First and the Fifteenth.” We both laughed. My boss was proud that he was so hilarious. But, even though we were ‘friends’. I stopped expecting much overt appreciation. He was a good guy, but just didn’t praise other people, even his wife.
The point is, if you hate your job or your boss, you must adjust your attitude or look for work elsewhere. I would not work with dishonest people or back-stabbers. I didn’t like that I had to keep my personal life a secret at some jobs for fear any weakness in me might be used against me by a co-worker looking to gain favor from the bosses. But even when I was in a less than ideal environment, I did the best job I could, and thanked the Lord I have work. My Mama told me when she was single and working if something went wrong—she got fired or just had to walk out—she told herself and/or her boss, “I was looking for a job when I found this one.” I told myself that same thing several times, and once I told my boss as I was headed for the door. I told him neither he nor this law firm were my source, my source was The Lord.
This might sound a little high and mighty, or like risky living what with all the bills needing to be paid. But in reality, for a Believer, it is really a simple trust in God. You get a feeling that God doesn’t want you there. As time went on, I began to look at work as my mission field. I always made myself known as a Christian very soon. I talked about the Lord, put up little signs in my cubicle saying things like “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”
Every where I worked, I became the unofficial chaplain. People came to me with problems and prayer requests.
I went in with a ‘mission’ purpose, not just to work and support myself. So, the Lord would show me when my mission was over. Sometimes I had leeway to start sending out resumes but most of the time it came too quickly. I always had little time to get ready to leave. I kept working and had things in order. I was sometimes accused of doing things I had not done. Once I was denied unemployment. I appealed and won! I was told by others who had worked there for years that I was a hero. I was the first person they had messed around with on unemployment who was ever successful in getting the decision overturned. It was a God thing!
I learned how to trust God from being alone and self supporting. Once I was crying because I was jobless again and so tired of working. I knew I had to start doing temp jobs and sending resumes again.  I loathed interviews where I had to ‘sell’ myself to a perspective employer.  As I sat praying and crying, the Lord’s voice broke through my self pity, saying, “When are you going to trust me? I have taken care of you these several years when you never missed a house payment, were never late with a bill, and have had plenty to eat. Every job you get is better than the last one. When will you trust me?!”  By this time I was bawling and I sobbed, “Now, Lord! I trust you now!” That lesson in trust has never left me.
Years later, when I got my cancer diagnosis, I immediately prayed, “I trust You, God.” I am still trusting Him the best that I can. I may lose focus at times, but when I do, I get back to trusting as fast as I can.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In your every situation, acknowledge Him and He will direct you to the right path.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Charlene Reams Manning, Believer in the Lord Jesus Messiah
copyright   May 2017
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